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The French Alps ski specialist
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Famille Plus

To ensure families are 100% happy and to avoid any unwanted surprises, the French Tourism Ministry has created a national tourism label to approve the facilities and services available to families with children staying in French tourist destinations. The Famille Plus award aims to improve resort services and facilities, helping operators to identify those resorts which can ensure a high level of quality in their infrastructures and the holidays enjoyed by families and children.

The seven commitments for the Famille Plus mountain resorts are:

  1. A tailor-made infrastructure for families
  2. Entertainment and activities to suit all ages
  3. A price to suit everyone: from the youngest to the oldest
  4. Activities for children and adults, to enjoy both on their own and together
  5. A nearby medical service for those 'under the weather' days
  6. Children to be taken care of by professionals
  7. To take clients' requirements and suggestions into account

The following resorts that we feature have acquired the Famille Plus label:

If you'd like any advice on where to head this summer with your family, call our team of friendly Alpine experts on 023 9283 9310 or send us an email to 

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