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The French Alps ski specialist

Pre-book your ski hire with Peak Retreats

At Peak Retreats, we can pre-book your skis, snowboard, boots and children's helmets ready for your ski holiday. This means that it’s all arranged for you before arrival and you won't have to worry about sorting out or paying anything once you arrive. Just go to the shop on the voucher and pick your hire up!

We have selected Sport 2000 for the majority of our resorts, SkiSet for the remaining few, which ensures that only the highest standard of equipment and service will be provided for all levels of skiers: regularly waxed and edged skis, boots disinfection between each rental and bindings adjusted by a qualified technician in the resort.

With over 200 outlets in France, it allows us to offer you a wide range of shops and we are able to provide equipment hire in all of our resorts. In most ski resorts, the nearest shop will be within a maximum radius of 1km from your accommodation, although only a few hundred metres or less in many cases.

Ask us about our special offers for your chosen resort!

We feature the following special offers:

  • 7 days for the price of 6 on all ski hire, all season!
  • FREE skis/snowboard and boots (Superior Carver) for party leaders of groups of 10 or more*
  • FREE helmet for children 6 and under for every adult taking Skis/Snowboard AND boots**

Visit our resort pages to see the latest offers. You'll find the ski extras prices and offers under Helpful Links.

Sport 2000 Shop Interior

We recommend that you pre-book your ski equipment in advance with Peak Retreats, so:

  • You benefit from the above special offers; they are not available in the resort!
  • Your equipment is reserved and waiting for you
  • You save precious skiing time
  • You don’t have to worry about transporting bulky heavy equipment from the UK
  • In addition to keen prices, you are assured that the price you pay at the time of booking will not change once you get to the resort.

How do I pre-book my ski hire? 

  • Send an email detailing your requirements to Please include, if possible, your booking ref. and heights and shoe sizes for your party and who needs what equipment. See price categories below.
Sport 2000 Shop Interior2

Choosing your equipment:

The improvements in ski and snowboard technology and the wide variety of equipment now available mean that hiring is a great option.

All the equipment stocked by our shops has been selected and tested by qualified men and women professionals, competitors and instructors.

Our tip: the best way to progress and have fun is to have lessons with an instructor who will also be able to advise you on any equipment adjustment for your style of skiing and level.

Did you know? 

Skis are an amalgam of materials – wood, carbon, kevlar, fibreglass and synthetic composites which give each ski its characteristics. Its shape, length and width determine the terrain for which it is intended.

  • Short skis are easier to turn and ensure comfort at low speed.
  • Longer skis are more stable and give confidence at higher speeds.
  • A flexible ski is more comfortable and reassuring and easier to turn, whereas a stiff ski will grip hard snow and the slope, but requires a skier in good physical shape.

Each model of ski available in our B, C and D categories is the result of manufacturers’ thorough research to adapt to every profile of skier.

What are carver skis?
Choosing ski boots
What do B, C, D categories mean?
Which type of skier are you?

For the latest pricing for your chosen resort, browse our ski hire guide pricing.

Carving is the technique of turning by using the edge of the ski as opposed to sliding sideways. This style maximises grip on the snow whilst minimising loss of speed.

Carver skis were introduced in the mid-2000s, and have been regularly improved and re-engineered ever since. Being versatile and capable of going alternately from gentle skidding to sharp turns, they help skiers take better control of their turns and speed.

This technology has definitely made the whole skiing experience more enjoyable and thrilling for all types of skiers.

For the latest pricing for your chosen resort, browse our ski hire guide pricing.

The choice of boot, can sometimes be even more crucial than the choice of skis. Here are some hints that will help you avoid any pitfalls:

  • The interior volume of a boot ensures comfort; however, too great a volume is counter productive as it creates excessive muscle fatigue and risk of sprains.
  • Too narrow a volume promotes precision in controlling one’s skis; however, it is important to avoid compressing the foot, which would otherwise be painful.

In each category B and C, boots exist in different volumes and degrees of stiffness. Try your boots on in conditions matching actual skiing conditions as closely as possible, with socks that you will be using to ski. It is a good idea to tighten the straps of the boot and rock backwards and forwards to see whether you feel comfortable.

For the latest pricing for your chosen resort, browse our ski hire guide pricing.

We have 3 categories of skis:




The B, C and D categories mean that all our ski shops are trading according to the French AFNOR standards NF X050-007 which will guarantee the highest standard of equipment and service.

Under this standard, the life span of categories B and C skis is 2 years maximum from new, and 1 year maximum from new for category D.

Please note that in a limited number of resorts we also offer an EASY CARVER –  Category A equipment, suitable for novice skiers and for anyone on a budget. Category A skis will be over 2 years old.

Piste skis (available in B, C and D categories)

The obvious terrain for skiing has to be the piste! So it will come as no surprise that engineers have worked many hours to build skis that will deliver stability and grip on the slopes for the beginner and expert alike, ranging from more comfort and ease of use, to high performance and challenge.

Lady skis (available in B, C and D categories)

In each category there are some lighter, sometimes more flexible skis which have been developed specifically for women, adapted to suit their physique and relatively lower centre of gravity; every major brand has refined numerous technologies.

All mountain skis (available in B, C and D categories)

An ideal choice for those seeking to explore the whole mountain, both on and off-piste, as well as those wanting to try freeride and park equipment. The one-ski-suits-all option, irrespective of terrain and conditions.

Freestyle skis (available in C and D categories)

Twin tip skis enable freestylers to “switch” (ski backwards) and make the most of the park hitting jumps, rails and halfpipes: make the whole mountain your playground!

Freeride / backcountry skis (available in D category)

Freeriding/backcountry skiing is all about seeking out fresh powder, couloirs and jumps, often taking the skier beyond the designated ski area and requiring techniques from other disciplines to adapt accordingly to the challenges and variations of the terrain.

Ski/Snowboard Equipment Categories

We have three categories of ski equipment - Superior Carver, Performance Carver and Prestige Carver (the juniors have Fun Carver and Sport Carver) plus two categories of snowboard equipment - Superior Carver and Performance Carver (the juniors have one category). See the tabs below for a description of each type.

We are confident that the most adequate equipment will be provided and adjusted when you arrive at the shop. However, the technicians will be happy to re-adjust the bindings, swap your boots or skis if you require after a few hours or days of skiing. If you wish to exchange skis against snowboard mid-week, this will be possible in most shops, at a supplement, payable locally.

Please note that during peak periods, it may be difficult to exchange equipment, but the staff onsite will be happy to assist you the best they can; so please do not hesitate to ask. We highly recommend that children under 14 years wear a helmet for their safety, but to be honest all adults would ideally wear helmets too!

We can arrange all your hire needs from 3 days +; please call us for details.


Superior Carvers - Cat B
Performance Carvers - Cat C
Prestige Carvers - Cat D
Snowboards - Cat B & C
Children's Equipment

Superior Carver - Cat B

Great modern equipment offering the perfect balance of enjoyment between easy and more challenging skiing in safety on any type of snow, mainly on piste. These all-rounder skis are flexible enough to turn easily and guarantee stability whilst forgiving your weaknesses; they are thus ideal for building confidence and improving your skiing.

Our tip: for recreational to good skiers looking for comfort and control and seeking new thrills.

Lady Superior Carver

Skis with a refined design: the wide tip makes turning easy, enabling women to ski in comfort and to combine fun with progression.

Performance Carver - Cat C

Superbly responsive equipment suitable for experienced skiers who can fully appreciate the special features that each type of ski can provide: all-mountain, freeride, freestyle, advanced piste skis. Excellent grip, precise ski control on steep slopes, stability at higher speeds on harder snow, great kick and manoeuvrability on ungroomed snow.

Our tip: for keen skiers looking to master technique and in search of new challenges.

Lady Performance Carver

These precise and comfortable skis are adapted to a woman’s physique, offering excellent grip and manoeuvrability.

Prestige Carver - Cat D

Top-end equipment, offering a choice between this season’s models and next season’s test skis for powder, free ride and expert piste skiing.

Our tip: Skis offering both technology and style – ideal for thrill-seekers. You are an advanced skier and you simply want the best around!

Lady Prestige Carver

Piste or off-piste skis are designed for expert or demanding women skiers.

Superior Snowboard - Cat B

Designed for recreational to good boarders seeking excellent behaviour for all-mountain adventures.

Performance Snowboard - Cat C

Designed with confident boarders in mind, capable of taking full advantage of any terrain and conditions. 

Junior Fun Carver (Skis)

Stable skis and comfortable boots for easy progress

Our tip: recommended for children who are either beginners or have already tried skiing. 

Junior Sport Carver (Skis)

Offering greater control of speed on all terrain with more precision and performance to perfect skiing technique.

Our tip: Top of the range junior ski, suitable for intermediate to expert young skiers.

Junior Snowboard

A versatile board for riders of most levels.

*Groups of 10 or more – ALL must be taking equipment and be fully paying ie. not applicable on free child packs. 
**Free helmet – must be under the same reference and requested at the time of booking

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